
Which exam to become a motorcycle cab?

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Which exam to become a motorcycle cab?

The service of motorcycle taxi The service of motorcycle cab has developed over the last 8 years, since the status of motorcycle cab driver was introduced in April 2011. It is now a legal job, but it requires certain qualifications for those who wish to practice it. Indeed, it is a job in which you must ensure the safety of your customers, which is why you must be able to attest to safe driving and the necessary qualifications. You must therefore pass an exam at motorcycle taxi in order to obtain your professional card and acquire a job with an agency.

Obtain your professional card through the exam of motorcycle taxi

La carte professionnelle VMDTR ne peut être obtenue qu’en passant un examen de moto taxi, et cette dernière est obligatoire pour pratiquer ce métier. Elle a d’ailleurs été offerte gratuitement aux chauffeurs qui avaient plus de 10 ans d’expérience en moto, et qui effectuaient déjà ce métier depuis un an au minimum. Mais pour les autres, il a fallu passer un examen particulier, qui a été créé à l’occasion de l’instauration du statut officiel de chauffeur de taxi-moto en avril 2011.
Cet examen est précédé d’une formation obligatoire afin de s’assurer que chaque personne maîtrise la conduite sur route avec un passager et une valise, en respectant toutes les règles de sécurité. De plus, il n’est accessible qu’aux possesseurs d’un permis A valide, disposant encore de 6 points ou plus, et dont le casier judiciaire est vide de condamnation pour escroquerie ou vol.
Cette formation est payante, et nécessite que vous disposiez déjà de votre permis moto. Néanmoins, certaines agences proposent de financer le passage de la formation et de l’épreuve de moto taxi afin de gonfler leurs effectifs. Si vous avez déjà passé votre permis moto depuis plusieurs années, il s’agit pour vous de la meilleure façon de pratiquer ce métier. Notre centre : (Citybird Formation)

The exam: a theoretical and a practical test

At the end of the training, the exam of motorcycle taxi is divided into a theoretical part and a practical part. Passing the two theoretical sub-tests that make up the theoretical part is necessary to be able to access the practical part.
The first part of the theoretical test is the same for VTCs and cabs. It consists of a questionnaire on the regulations, road safety, the level of French and English or the management of a motorcycle.
Once this sub-section has been validated, a second theoretical sub-section will focus more specifically on the motorcycle cab profession. It will therefore deal with road safety issues specific to the use and driving of a motorcycle, but also with passenger handling and possible business development. It will be necessary to be able to present all the activity that you wish to practice in order to validate this second sub-section.
Only if you pass the whole theoretical test will you be allowed to take the practical part. The practical part consists of a situation of a motorcycle cab driver: the participant must carry out a mission of transporting a passenger and his luggage on a motorized vehicle with two or three wheels. It is only after this test that you will know if you can obtain your professional card .

The different ways to pass this training

There are two ways to pass the training and exam of motorcycle taxi : in a specialized center or through an agency. In the first case, you personally enroll in a training and examination of motorcycle taxi in one of the specialized centers that offer them, and if you pass the tests, you receive your professional card of motorcycle cab with which you can start your own business.
But motorcycle cab agencies are looking to recruit, so they are ready to offer training to people who want to become a motorcycle cab. If you are looking for an easy way to pass the motorcycle taxi exam and get hired as a driver, this is definitely the best one!